Buy GIH Certified IT Refurbished Equipment

We supply refurbished IT and data center equipment including servers, HDDs, CPUs, and server memory from major brands including HPE, Dell, Intel, IBM, and Cisco.

With GIH-certified refurbished equipment, everything we sell comes with a 1-year warranty and can be shipped to most locations in Asia in about a week’s lead time. Additionally, we ensure that all products we sell go through a rigorous five-point testing program to ensure products pass our high-quality standards after refurbishment. From start to finish, our technicians handle every product with the utmost care so that our customers can have peace of mind.

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We offer the best prices!

Purchase refurbished IT hardware equipment. Let’s protect the environment together!



Server Parts


Server Memory

Sever parts

Laptop Memory

Server Memory





Save time. Save cost. It can save the earth’s resources!

Be part of a circular economy

The carbon footprint of buying new equipment is bigger than you might think. From the number of resources used to the carbon dioxide produced, the impact of purchasing new equipment on the planet is staggering. This is multiplied when your client is a large enterprise. An alternative sustainable solution is to purchase refurbished IT hardware.

Why buy refurbished IT equipment from GIH ?

We test all our equipment

We ship globally

We provide 1 year warranty

Buy Certified IT Refurbished Equipment

通過將您使用過的 IT 硬體設備出售給我們,您將有助於支持永續環保的環境。 當需要處理您退役的 IT 設備時,我們將以完全符合廢棄電氣和電子設備 (WEEE) 法規的環保方式進行處理。
The environmentally friendly way to dispose of your unwanted IT equipment





我們從 150 多個品牌購買 IT 零件,包括 HP、Dell、IBM、Intel 和 Cisco


在 24 小時內提供您不需要的IT 設備報價


我們使用最先進的 WipeDrive 數據擦除技術


在您不需要的 IT 零件上獲得利潤還能保護環境!

Buy Certified IT Refurbished Equipment

    If you would prefer a redeemable trade in value in exchange for your goods, then please visit our Trade In page for more information. In addition to the physical destruction of IT parts, we also offer data erasure services. For more information, please visit our Data Erasure page.